Below is a basic outline of what to expect when you adopt a rescue pet from OFOSA.
- View available pets
Browse our website and read the animal’s bio.
Website notes: Updated animal data is sent to the website as frequently as possible. Be sure to refresh the adoption pages in your browser for the latest information. Profiles of available pets are displayed on the available for adoption pages (Dogs and Cats). All information we have concerning an animal’s temperament and health is included on their profile.
- Meet the animals and an Adoption Counselor/Foster
FOR DOGS & CATS: Once you’ve found an animal (or two!) that you’re interested in adopting, please fill out our Adoption Application (be sure to scroll past the available animals to find the application).
Because most of our pets are in foster care, it may take 24 to 48 hours for a response. We answer inquiries in the order received. All pets have received an examination and been assessed for any health or possible behavioral concerns to the extent possible while in our care.
*Please click HERE to see if we have any adoption events planned.
REQUIREMENTS: All members of the family must be present to meet the new cat or dog to make sure that everyone is compatible before adopting! Other dogs in the household must also meet any new potential dog. Dogs and cats must not live as outdoor pets and all animals are REQUIRED to be spayed or neutered. Certain breeds will not be adopted to apartment dwellers. We also reserve the right to refuse to place an animal in a home without a fenced back yard. We adopt our animals based on a first come, first qualified basis. We adopt to families primarily in the Portland, OR Metro area. Our main concern is to match our animals with the most ideal home, a decision based on many different factors.
PLEASE NOTE: We cannot recommend any animal as an Emotional Support Animal, as the connection between owner and animal is a very personal one. Additionally, we cannot guarantee their temperament and behavior to serve as an ESA.
- Complete the adoption
If you so choose, you are able to take the pet home on the same day that you first meet them. When you’ve found a great match, it’s time to complete the adoption process! You’re welcome to ask our volunteers or fosters questions about training and for tips on helping your new pet adjust to your home.
Placing Pets on Hold: We do not place animals on hold. We adopt out on a First Come, First Qualified basis.
Medical or Behavior Consults: If the pet you’re interested in has any medical conditions, we will arrange pre-adoption consultations with our medical / clinic staff so you know what to expect.
Benefits of Adopting from OFOSA
All pets adopted through OFOSA come with the following benefits:
- All pets are spayed or neutered
- Dogs and cats go home with a microchip registered to the new owner
- All animals have received initial core vaccinations
- One Free Veterinary Exam Certificate
- Medical Care for up to 2 Weeks after Adoption
- Flea and worm treatment, nail trim and ears cleaned
- Plenty of support and information from the experienced team at OFOSA
CURRENT ADOPTION FEES (scheduled to increase on 4/15/25, see below for new fees):
Dog – over 1 year old – $320
Pair of dogs – $480
Puppy – up to 1 year old – $380
Pair of puppies – $570
Senior Dog (over 8 years old) – $280
Cat – 9 months to 8 years old – $140
Pair of cats – $240
Kitten – up to 9 months – $160
Pair of Kittens – $280
We disclose any known health or behavior issues that we discover while the animal is in our care.
In accordance with recent research and veterinary recommendations, we do not test every cat at intake for FIV/FELV. Because the incubation period of FIV/FELV is 30-60 days after last possible exposure, there is a significant chance of a false negative. Often cats are not in rescue long enough to correctly test. However, we will test any cat that has been a primarily outdoor cat or who shows signs of having been previously in a fight with another cat, shows clinical signs, or is from a colony or family group with a known positive carrier.
*New Fee Structure, effective 4/15/25:
Dog – over 1 year old – $340
Pair of dogs – $500
Puppy – up to 1 year old – $380
Pair of puppies – $570
Senior Dog (over 8 years old) – $300
Pair of Senior Dogs (over 8 years old) – $450
Cat – 9 months to 8 years old – $150
Pair of cats – $250
Senior Cat – $100
Kitten – up to 9 months – $175
Pair of Kittens – $300
All adoption information, policies, and procedures are subject to change without notice.
For New Adopters, please click below for vital adoption information: